Former Chicago Musical Instrument Site
The former Chicago Musical Instruments (CMI) Site is located in Fullerton, California. CMI manufactured musical instruments and used VOCs for degreasing. During the Site historical operations, VOCs were released into the Site subsurface soils. In addition, there are regional groundwater plumes impacted by VOCs in the areas surrounding the Site. To mitigate the threats to public health caused by the regional plumes, the DTSC identified and initiated remediation of the sources of groundwater contamination in the area, including the CMI Site. NEC Group, as the DTSC contractor, designed, installed and operated and maintained an SVE system through 6 phases of remediation work at the Site. The system was continuously adjusted and upgraded by NEC Group to accommodate more remediation areas identified by the ongoing Site investigations. NEC Group removed nearly 18,000 gallons of VOCs product/liquid condensate from Site soils by 2017.